Also Layne hid that he used drugs even when people knew he didnt advertise it by being associated with it. Drugs make you paranoid. Not to mention the way she speaks about Jerry Lets not forget that the guy wrote (and still writes) most of the beautiful and haunting AIC music. Just saying that Demri could have done so much more. But then I was never much more than a witness. He fretted and fretted. Layne tries his best to help, but she wont listen, her body probably being beyond help at this point, and telling Layne, let me go, its too painful, just let me go. Jul 10, 2014 - Layne with fans New Years Eve 1999, reportedly last public photo in circulation. Keep us updated on how you are doing. That crap about the model and Layne I would bet money thats not true. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. if you knew what junkies were like you wouldn't be romantising this shite. According to David de Sola's book Alice In Chains: The Untold Story, Layne Staley believed that the ghost of his late girlfriend Demri Parrott visited him just days before his April 2002 death.. According to Alice in Chains: The Untold Story, it was love at first sight. ITS JUST FUCKED UP BULLSHIT! Met Toby the Serial Killer Board Game guy in a regular looking apartment. You do that on your own! Demri didnt die till the morning of the 29th, in her mothers arms at the hospital. Soon I heard he had passed on. had an issue and he couldnt stop. Friends comment that after Demri died, Layne was put on suicide watch for 24 hours. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri had had with her in hospital. She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. See more ideas about demri parrott, alice in chains, demri lara parrott. I didnt get a album to hang on my wall which would have shown something for all the hard work. The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Alice In Chains - I know she is watching us from avobe, taking care of us, smiling everytime we think of her. Kathleen, Im so sorry for your loss, I cant even imagine, but please know there are many of us who adore Layne & Demri. May your familys hearts be at ease and protected. I always had faith in you though. And did you ever see Mad Season play live? We were buddies and got closer when he was engaged to Miranda because he really wanted to do right by her. They were freaked out by it all and didnt understand it. I hope you read this, it could really help you. Thanks Dave! She is proud of us the same way we are proud of her, and she loves us as we love her. Chris Cornell talks about mikes shirt etc. I do know for sure that he seemed shorter because his spine curved since he spent literally years in that position. It is possible. there is something so special about her. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Random. She was tiny (around 4'11", 150cm or 5, 152 cm), dark-featured, with long dark hair and dark eyes. I needed to get back to work and Id drive them crazy getting up every couple hours and putting my ears to their mouth to make sure they were breathing. I actually edited my response so I hope you got to read the whole comment I made. A little flower wild child girl who wont be never ever forgotten and will be for ever and for always loved and missed. Photo Timeline. He knew that I liked her, and I think she would sometimes use me Haha! So . Shes perfect in every way. I ask them to send me the strength I need. Demri tried to warn me too and I also ignored her and lost years of my life.. that I can barely remember and doing almost everything I had always promised myself that ID NEVER DO I EVENTUALLY ENDED UP DOING THINGS I COULD NEVER OF IMAGINED ALWAYS JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE THAT FUCKING EVIL ADDICTION!! (Just noticed this now.) It seems that Demri and Layne took pleasure in hurting one another until it got to be too much. Today I decided to post some pictures of Layne and Demri. So heartbreaking for everyone. Do you know that the book about Mike Starr on Amazon is like $100 bucks? Demri, Layne said, appeared to him before his death, so maybe he wasnt so alone. Lanegan was really sick for a while and Layne was like a Florence Nightingale. Im pretty sure about it , Much love, peace and good karma to you! You are so missed. But Demri seemed to live an existance of from here to there, no where to run, but her mom had a home waiting just for her. He seemed to think that because he never shot heroin he was better than Layne. They were less like brothers than like a weird married couple. They began dating a short time after they saw each other. I dont know who wrote it but if it was Kathleen I would guess that she could not mention everyone and I bet a lot of important people were not mentionedbecause only Demri really knew who mattered the most to her just like you only know who is really important to you. AiC was playing a show that night at an old fire station in Redmonddo you remember that place? Also, tf is your point? It usually has nothing to do with how much they love YOU. Layne is said to have overdosed . Over 15,500 Americans died from a heroin overdose in 2018. During this year I hadnt heard a thing. Just rude and no respect Or those already gone like Demri and Layne.. best thing they can come up with is they have a life to live??? Demri was well known and had numerous friends that she touched with her charismatic and enchanting personality. God bless her, and God bless Layne, not just because I feel for them both, but because I hope that both are pain free in Heaven. The village to raise a child or extended family member or friend to help re-direct those who are going off track, is not here anymore. Ethnicity: English, Swiss-German, Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, possibly 1/64th Cherokee Native American. Lol. I do get it a little but its silly. I believe Layne when he said before his passing that Demri visited him. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. I tried to tell myself its all in my head and that it would get better but no matter what the drug strips you of your ability to compromise and feelings about how things affect others. Are there any photos of Demri during the last year of her life? The EMTS never did anything but save your friends life. Layne tried it, loved it. I do not know how much truth there is in the message must have the attributes and say their name. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). She sometimes complained that she knew he was sleeping with other girls, but she also had relationships on the side too. Sometimes, we forget that they are people too. I think this is Rachel that made Andys purple hand hat. He also did Mad Season at some point in there. Please write that story, for a book. She was staying with Tom the coke dealer because he had klonapin so she wouldnt have seizures. Alice in Chains was opening for Van Halen on tour in 1991 when Staley, prompted by Parrott,. She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chainss album Dirt, released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien. I was talking with her daily. Demris Mom Kathleen Austin and Demris 2 dearest friends Cody, Mara and Fabiola 2010. I know Mrs. Austin has lost more than Demri, may God Bless her, and Laynes mom has a grandchild, or grandchildren, by now. He also thought Damon was spying when it was obvious, no one had to tell. Until America recognizes the addict is sick have compassion try to help not enable stand up to the Government to look at Portugal & the actions they took it worked sadly it is scary how the future looks. This website is simply amazing, a treasure trove of information for those wanting to go under the surface. She was really frisky; she was all over everybody. Thank you, I know you may not get the chance to answer this. Shitty logic. I see a lot of conjecture and guessing about the nature of these relationships and its bugged me for years. If you want to sign up to get notified of our website updates.. please enter your email address into the form at the bottom of the right hand sidebar. Do you know if you have the first version or the second? I wish that Barcolas hadnt moved out. We loved our friends and they dropped like flies around us one after the otherwe thought we could control it.. they thought they could live forever.. Kathleen will verify the full name thing too. How did her kids get so involved with drugs and addiction? Seattle police reportedly found Staley on his couch, weighing 86 pounds. We all were our suing a buzz in those days and the idea was to just be careful. I remember I was shooting video for Nancy at one of those tributes five years ago -shooting man on the street interviews outside, and Mike pulled up in a limo and talked to some of us , and we chatted but he was high as a kite. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. She was apparently very chatty, witty and loud. You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She didnt met her biological father and half sister until she was an adult. Let their legacy be one of art and discovery, friendship and love. Jason Buttino, who has recordings of both versions, attributes the change to the fact the second version was recorded more than a year after the death of Demri Parrott, Layne's longtime girlfriend. Tags: I do not believe and I do not disbelieve. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. I know he was taking care of Layne and buying groceries and making sure he was eating and cared for. Demri Parrott and Layne Staley were engaged for 2 years. Demri Parrott Pictures - Demri Parrott Photo Gallery - 2023 - FanPix.Net I cant put my finger on it, but it wasnt what I wanted out of a $200 book. Maybe someday I will write that book but as of right now I do not have any concrete plans to do that.. and if I ever did write a book it would be about MY life not just theirs and then I would include stories that involved them but I could never write just a book about them.. to me that would be..weird, wrong possibly? Mind, I never knew him entirely well and I never saw him do it, but its what people were saying. I hope this doesnt sound silly, but I pray to Andrew and Demri sometimes.