Yoruba is as old as time, Ashe refers to the life force within all living things, the spark that animates life. These famous African proverbs about life are both profound and inspiring. Cameroonian Proverb, Knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness. ~ Maasai Proverb, Do not tell the man who is carrying you that he stinks. African proverb ~ Maasai Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=You cannot force water up a hill. Kenyan Proverb, Hunger is felt by a slave, and hunger is felt by a king. Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter is my favourite. ~ Tanzanian Proverb, A little rain each day will fill the rivers to overflowing. Don't set sail on someone else's star., 21. Hausa proverb, Being happy is better than being king. Annang proverb, Each trip gives you its own uniqueness. Hausa proverb, Character is like pregnancy. African Proverb, Even the Niger river must flow around an island. African Proverbs about Fathers When deed speaks, words are nothing., 112. Hausa proverb, Advice is a stranger; if hes welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day. Shona proverb, The strong bull is overcome when it limps. Malawian Proverb, Water is colourless and tasteless but you can live on it longer than eating food. Swahili proverb, The lead cow (the one in front) gets whipped the most. Ovambo proverb, Do not break your cooking pot for the passing guest. African Proverb, The person going home is not stopped by the dusk. African Proverb, A roaring lion kills no game. African Proverb, The elders of the village are the boundaries. African Proverb, Gossiping about the enemy can result in a war. Share and support in the pride of being part of an important cultural and educational resource. ~ Algerian Proverb, If a blind man says he will throw a stone at you, he probably has his foot on one. The wise man never takes a step too long for his leg., 107. ~ Ghanaian Proverb, We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children. African proverb, If you send no one to the market, the market will send no one to you. I believe the family was established long before the church, and my duty is to my family first. Bible Verses About Fathers The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. ~Xhosa Proverb, The good mother knows what her children will eat. Zimbabwean Proverb, If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is. ~ Tanzanian Proverb, The key to a healthy body is a good head. A home without a woman is like a barn without cattle., 129. - African Proverb Learning expands great souls. ~ Proverb from Madagascar, We should put out fire while it is still small. ~ Malawian Proverb, Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you. African proverb, He who argues builds no roads. ~ Swahili 2. ~ Congolese Proverb, Birds of all kinds will end up landing. Cameroonian Proverb, Rain wets the leopards spots, but it doesnt wash them off. A fool cannot untie the knot tied by a wise man., 93. African Proverb, Faults are like hills. ~ Kikuyu Proverb, He who refuses to obey cannot command. Meaning:If you prepare and allow yourself to be well trained when you have the opportunity, you will achieve a lot and be favoured in due course. ~ Kenyan Proverb, A canoe does not know who the leader is when it turns over, everyone gets wet. Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden., 91. Swahili proverb, An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Every fame has a foundation. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." - Chinese proverb. African Proverb, By coming and going, a bird constructs its nest. May Antiracist Read: Stamped - Racism, Antiracism, and You, by Jason Ugandan Proverb, Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully. Zambian proverb, You can not tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. 3. Meaning:Feeling sorry always follows a foolish act. ~ Akan proverb 3. Ghanaian Proverb, When you befriend a chief remember that he sits on a rope. ~ Maasai Proverb, He who learns, teaches. Egyptian Proverb, Examine what is said, not who speaks. African Proverb, Every woman is beautiful until she speaks. African proverb, The man may be the head of the home, but the wife is the heart. Kenyan Proverb, He who learns, teaches. Ghanaian proverb, Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile wont eat you. Only a fool tests the depth of a river with no feet., 3. African proverb, You should not hoard your money and die of hunger. The Rain does not fall on one roof. - Ghanaian Proverb. Ghanaian Proverb, One knee doesnt bring up a child. African proverb, A stream cannot rise above its source. African proverb, The vultures would not land at the village in which there is a wise old man. What an elder saw while sitting, a youth could not see it standing. Swahili proverb, You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win. African proverb, The bad craftsman quarrels with his tools. African proverb African proverb, If you dont stand for something, you will fall for something. 10. South African Proverb, Even if you bewitch in the night, you will be known. When a father punishes a child it seeks refuge in its mother's hut. African proverb, If you want to go quickly, go alone. Can zebras wipe away their stripes? Ovambo proverb, Gold should be sold to the one who knows the value of it. 4. Wolof proverb, It is crooked wood that shows the best sculptor. ~Senegalese Proverb, When a king reigns, it is thanks to the people when a river sings, it is thanks to the stones. These proverbs and sayings reflect those thoughts: "If you start thinking of death, you are no longer sure of life." "Everybody will undergo the sentence of the grave." "There is no rich person in a grave." "As long as a man lives, the entire world is too small for him; After death, the grave is big enough." ~Ashanti Proverb, Prepare now for the solutions of tomorrow. Shona proverb, Two bulls cannot live in one stable. Yoruba proverb, One who bathes willingly with cold water doesnt feel the cold. Zambian Proverb, If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. Anger against a brother is felt on the flesh, not in the bone. African proverb, When the webs of the spider join, they can trap a lion. African proverb, Do not let the goat you might carry on your shoulder play in the mud. Jabo proverb, The beauty of a woman becomes useless if there is no one to admire it. Nigerian Proverb, It is only a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir. - Ghanaian Proverb . Hausa proverb, Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty. He may say that he loves you, wait and see what he does for you., 73. Namibian proverb, The person who rides a donkey cannot avoid smelling its farts. African Proverb, A ripe melon falls by itself. Theethnic groups of Africanumber in the thousands, with each population generally having its own language and culture. Baguirmi Proverb, You are beautiful, but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty. Implication,.. Not everything that smells bad means bad. "He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world.". A child does not laugh at the ugliness of his mother., 149. Basakata proverb, What women say is nonsense; but he who does not listen in is a fool. Sweet words lure the snake out of its cave. Liberian proverb, Every kind of love is love, but self-love is supreme among them. ~Swahili proverb. Meaning:You should always order your goals and follow them before it is too late to accomplish them. - from Uganda. 100+ African Proverbs with Hidden Meanings You Didn't Know ~ Nigerian Proverb, Rich people cook their food in a potsherd. Ugandan Proverb, The one who listens is the one who understands. My father and mother are historians of African culture and history and their influence expanded my activities to several best-selling cookbooks, magazine columns, self-branded products, and a popular African culture and food blog. Meru Proverb, He is a fool whose sheep runs away twice. African Proverb, One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights. African Proverb, Greatness and beauty do not belong to the gods alone. Without fools there would be no wisdom. ~ African Proverb from the Congo, Obstinacy does not redeem anyone. African proverb African proverb, It is not necessary to blow out the other persons lantern to let yours shine. Hebrews 12:7 NIV 2. 10. African Proverb, What one wont eat by itself, one will eat when mixed with other food. Somalian proverb, Where there is no shame, there is no honor. (Ibibo) meaning, The father . Agege bread was created by Alhaji Ayokunnu How to m. Chic African Culture and The African Gourmet are dedicated to discovering, collecting and sharing African history and heritage celebrating 14 years of service in 2021. Bondei Proverb, Supposing doesnt fill the grain basket if doesnt fill the larder. Hausa proverb, Looking at a kings mouth one would never think he sucked his mothers breast. Yoruba proverb, He who learns, teaches. . When the webs of the spider join, they can trap a lion ~ Ethiopian proverb. Tshi proverb, If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. May these African Proverbs inspire you to never give up and keep working towards your goals. ~ Ethiopian proverb Best African Proverbs And Wise Sayings 4. World Spiritual Heritage : The quotes of African Proverb - Onelittleangel Bible Verses for Fathers: 22 Quotes for Dads - What Christians Want To Know Congolese Proverb, Every door has its own key. Ugandan proverb, Never let hyena know how well you can bite. Egypt proverb, If you offend, ask for a pardon; if offended forgive. African Proverb, They ate our food, and forgot our names. Meaning:Sometimes the strongest person must turn aside. African Proverb, The cook does not have to be a beautiful woman. African proverb, If you run after two hares you will catch neither. Zimbabwean Proverb, Those who are at one regarding food are at one in life. African proverbs . When I remember him, it is always with his arms open wide to love and comfort me.~ Isobel Field My heart is happy, my mind is free. ~ Soga People of Uganda, Let it be a bite of a cockroach and fly with the wind.