Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires): You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and intimacy. My ex husband was a cancer and don't even get me started there. Venus in Capricorn usually means that you were born into a family with parents who adhered to a certain set of conduct rules. As in the theory underlying Chinese medicine, theres Yang within the Yin. The sensitive watery emotion of Pisces combined with the fiery passion of Aries makes one an ardent but caring and tender lover. Horoscope March 2023: get ready for a legendary month | Dazed This adds stability, and is a good counter to Piscean elusiveness. Rather, someone serious, a little rigid, responsible, who knows how to appreciate a good man when she sees him. They are really so, because they never really know how to behave. They make up for whatever they lack, however, with their creativity and compassion. 5 Strengths & Weaknesses of the Capricorn Moon Native - popularastrology [], What Zodiac Sign is the Weakest? The Venus in Capricorn men is one of the zodiac signs that are less likely to be unfaithful. Id love to hear about your experience. This is a friend who enjoys intelligent conversation and good living. Financial risks may be enjoyed and taken erratically, without due thought. For a person with their Sun in a passionate water sign like Scorpio or Pisces, Venus in Capricorn would be very grounding and help balance their emotional excesses. Views will be freely and even sharply expressed but Cancerian faithfulness will still be evident. They share an intense desire for social standing and can be partners in making a name solo or together. The better the positioning sign-wise, the better the . In this sense, it represents the feminine side of one's personality, the way passions are lived, and also what one seeks in the loving sense. There will be some fiscal ability but, if Mercury is also in Pisces, professional financial advice is to be recommended. Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon Personality Traits - Ryan Hart on the other hand, the Venus in Capricorn marriage is about healthy relationships. This aspect can create a magnetic and transformative connection between two individuals, [], Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. If Venus was in Pisces on the day you were born, you value compassion, and you love with emotional and perhaps even spiritual intensity. Most importantly, the perfect lover will already be on her way to achieve her plans. Being concerned about others affairs helps develop long-term relationships. He wants a partner who can incentivize him to try even harder, to achieve even higher goals, to make him wish for more. Money can be handled badly. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. For those looking for a person who is ready for commitment, Capricorn is that person. Hence, In addition, the Venus in Capricorn is good or bad? While Venus in Cancer can become insular, narrowly focused on their own needs and those of their close family, a Venus in Pisces partner could encourage Venus in Cancer to broaden their outlook and extend compassion to a broader circle. They have a highly romantic nature. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. Pisces in a relationship, what sign is your partner? I'm a - reddit Pisces is the most psychically sensitive sign of the Zodiac. Venus in Pisces is in the sign of its exaltation (at the 27th degree in particularif your Venus is at this degree, it is very important in your chart). Venus In Capricorn Meaning: Stable Relationships - Sun Signs This individual is considerate and a good communicator both with friends and loved ones. They can be a lively, talkative, albeit indecisive, friend. A clever business sense is likely, but sometimes meanness is present. But its good to have a good understanding of people. Professional help is advised. This can be their best quality if they are able to channel their tremendous generosity and passion into a worthy cause. Here is a friend who enjoys demanding challenges. Independence is most important, as is the Aquarian lifestyle; there will be an active social life and many like-minded friends. (See what Venus symbolizes in matters of love). Mars in Pisces Man - Astrology Its easy to slip into a comfortable pattern, which is what Capricorn wants. Therefore, you can make the right choices in your life. The Venus in Pisces career can be the important thing to look at when working towards development. A partner with a strong grasp of practical routines would also be helpful to balance out his creative wanderings. As Venus rules this sign the whole personality will be lightened, possessive tendencies reduced, and the overall Taurean slowness corrected, both intellectually and physically. Venus in Pisces has a tendency to drown in the depths of the whole worlds suffering, but Venus in Capricorn could help Venus in Pisces come up with some sort of practical plan to address the whole worlds suffering. Here is a rewarding and lively friend. On the whole, Librans should gain much from this placing of the planet that rules their Sun sign. Professional financial advice is recommended unless business ability is shown elsewhere. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 He or she may be boastful towards, and about, the partner. He hates having to think about hiding his thoughts, trying to say the right things, and all that. Capricorn Sun - Virgo Venus. Venus in Pisces natives has a proclivity for drowning in the depths of the world's misery, but Venus in Capricorn may be able to assist Venus in Pisces in devising a practical plan to alleviate the pain of the entire globe. There will be a great appreciation of quality and the beautiful things in life, with a lot of money spent on them. If an over-extravagant expression of emotion can be controlled so that dramatic scenes do not cause problems, here is someone who will look up to and admire a partner, giving much encouragement and support. Quick Gemini wit will complement the Taurean business ability. Too much money can be spent on creature comforts. Social climbing is less pronounced, and time will be spent enjoying relationships and children, rather than worrying about material matters. Ambition for material progress must not be so great that the partner and children are neglected as a result. They can awaken the best qualities in each other and share strong intimacy through deep emotionally-rational understanding. If you have Venus in Pisces, your best compatibility matches are partners who have Venus in Capricorn or Venus in Taurus. There may be a tendency to criticize the partner or be very moody. The next two after that, Taurus and Libra, are ruled by Venus, and the process continues from there. The Venus in Pisces man always loves women who are so special and purposeful. Venus in Pisces, however, would secretly appreciate the more direct nurturing Venus in Cancer gives. This placing can also glamorize the usually very casual Sagittarian image. You were probably forced to behave a certain way, especially socially. Hes well over his head in building his professional life. A man with Venus in Pisces is the romantic type. Financial security can be gained from collecting old or unusual artifacts. A good reputation in relationships will. Financial affairs are approached in a practical way. 100+ Capricorn Venus Celebrities - Ranker He wants a woman who is somewhat formal or aloof and as concerned about status as he is. Have a question about relationships or money or health? -I do have trouble with snapping and bossingand venus is my chart ruler Posts: 253From: H8 & H12Registered: May 2011. not sure if this would overpower the ac. March signifies massive celestial turning points, as we enter a new astrological year, and the outer planets push us into a . In the seasons of the Northern Hemisphere, Pisces marks the transition from the cold of winter to the promise of spring, and Gemini marks the transition from the potential of spring to the abundance of summer. Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in Capricorn or Taurus, Second Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in water signs, Third Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in other mutable signs, Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Instead, they would love to go on a long walk on the beach while holding hands and having a heart-to-heart conversation. Working outward from there, the next two signs on either side of Cancer and Leo, Gemini and Virgo, are ruled by Mercury. Celebrities With Venus In Capricorn: Ben Stiller, Abhishek Bachchan, Seal, Imran Khan, Virginia Woolf, Steve Jobs, Positive Keywords for Venus in Capricorn: Serious, Practical, Mature, Logical, Responsible, Negative Keywords for Venus in Capricorn: Dull, Boring, Unspontaneous. The man who has Venus in Capricorn is interested in powerful women and may also be attracted to older women. ), and an element. Venus in 8th House - - Donuts The blending of earth (Capricorn) and water (Pisces) is excellent, since Venus will help steady the gush of Piscean emotion. Here is a very lively friend who is enthusiastic about joint interests. The influence of Venus is very strong in this placing. The best matches for every sun/moon combination in the zodiac She might sometimes get taken advantage of because of this, but, with her spiritual attitude toward life, she often finds a way to understand even the situations where she gets let down as part of a bigger picture. There is a good blend of well-expressed emotion and a rational approach to joint problems. Spendthrift tendencies must be countered. A person with both the Sun and Venus in Pisces may not be the worlds most grounded or practical person. The emotions are steady and tempered with common sense and fiscal ability. Pisces is co-ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. While Venus in Pisces is emotionally intense, this comes from an admirable ideal of loving without limits. Venus adds coolness to Capricorn's personality. Financial problems can occur through excessive generosity. The Venus in Pisces Man: Get to Know Him Better - Those who have a Mars in Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are the most sexually attractive to Venus in Capricorn. Sun in Libra / Venus in VirgoThis is not an easy combination, for Libra needs love and harmony while Virgo will tend to be shy of expressing feelings and responding to love. People with Venus in Pisces are very into the idea of two becoming one. This combination is excellent for friendship, easing any Libran tendency to take too much from other people. Saturn in Gemini, Mars in Pisces, Sun/Venus conjunct in Capricorn in 3. Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces Aquarius Sun in the Natal Chart Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Key Phrase: I Know Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus If you were born when the Sun was in Aquarius then this is your natal Sun sign. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Venus rules the things that a person values, including love and money. His Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Mercury are in Pisces (he has stellium in his 12th house)and his Moon-Venus and Saturn are in Cappricorn. Sun in Pisces with Venus in Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces In this placing an extrovert exuberance is added to the Cancerian expression and emotional needs. As Pisces explores the imaginative potentials of life, Capricorn will feel dismissive or even threatened by his boundaryless approach. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying practical astrological analysis to the real world. Capricorn in Love - Astrology Library It will give them an air of romantic mystery, making the women inclined to be femmes fatales. Capricorn Sun - Libra Venus. Additionally, the Venus in Capricorn astrology guides you on what to gain shortly. Never allow external influence to control your thoughts. This is a friend who is faithful but easily offended. Your identity will be characterized by the Pisces themes of belonging, glamour, and spirituality. Its ideal if you keep an equilibrium in your personal and professional life. Yet from our point of view on earth, Venus is the first planet on the inside of our orbit going towards the sun. They often hope to have a fairy tale wedding and live happily ever after. Much will depend on how the Scorpio Sun is aspected, and on the Moon, Ascendant and Mars signs. Sun in Pisces' dreaminess will rub Moon in Capricorn the wrong way. For Venus in Aries, the cause of the awkwardness is a short attention span, so Venus in Aries would at least flit away from an uncomfortable situation quickly. 4. Sun-Venus Sun in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio You are a combination of old fashioned even anachronistic dependability and enigma. i'm an aries dominant too after taurus-scorpio. As the given house carries the energies of Mars-ruled Scorpio, it indicates assets of or related to landed property and gains through them. The practical earth element of Taurus and Capricorn provides a firm foundation from which the idealism of Venus in Pisces can soar. This post looks at the compatibility between the combination ofSun in Pisces Moon in Capricorn. So, they always have plenty saved for a rainy day. All indications described for Venus in Pisces will apply very strongly. They are more careful in love because they feel there is more at stake than courtship and sex. Capricorn Sun - Gemini Venus. All About the Pisces Stellium | Astrology Answer If a Venus in Pisces man is comfortable with himself, he can be a very empathic and romantic lover who responds with sensitivity to the needs of his partner and other loved ones. Money is managed well. There are also many people with Venus in Aries or Aquarius who have the Sun in Pisces. If they have Venus in Pisces, however, their idealism and compassion can help them see the bigger picture beyond the most obvious routes to security or achievement. Although extravagant, money is usually managed quite well. Shrewdness in business matters is a strong asset. All four mutable signs live on the transition from one season to another, in terms of what time of year the Sun goes through them. As a friend, they are more reliable than most Sun sign Pisceans, but an element of possessiveness may emerge within relationships. As Pisces explores the imaginative potentials of life, Capricorn will feel dismissive or even threatened by his boundaryless approach. The weight should be strictly controlled by restricting the intake of rich food. Emotion is heightened, with the subject aiming for a fulfilling and rewarding relationship. Lacking in confidence is just fine, and so is a touch of helplessness. Sacrifices may be made to your considerable detriment. Hence, be patient to achieve it. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are a great combination. They can come across as aloof or detached rather than caring or loving. Fire and air signs are interested in innovating and exploring. Their sex life will move in a strangely spontaneous way. There is a wide circle of friends, who often share philanthropic or intellectual interests. Venus in Pisces would have trouble admitting this, but Venus in Pisces also benefits from Venus in Scorpios awareness of the dark side of life. Venus In Capricorn Meaning: Valuing Your Partner. Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry When you think of being a responsible partner, then Venus in Capricorn is the source of your inspiration. This is a friend who wants to enjoy all aspects of life, and will have the capacity to do so. This increases the Gemini emotional level, but can cause problems, since one must learn to express their emotions and not over-rationalize them. capricorn male and pisces female compatibility. The potential bond between these two is powerful. A Venus in Capricorn in the natal chart will give you a strong sense of duty and dedication to the people and projects in your life. If a practical approach to love can be achieved there should be no conflict, but the coolness of Venus must be recognized as a positive factor, helping to channel and give an element of caution and common sense in this sphere of life. Venus brings an added influence of extra attention and finesse. Venus Capricorn Love Compatibility - LiveAbout Being concerned about others affairs helps develop long-term relationships. A great deal of money must be earned, so that it can be spent! Venus In Capricorn Meaning: Stable Relationships, Venus In Capricorn Meaning: Valuing Your Partner, When you think of being a responsible partner, then Venus in Capricorn is, Look at good rapport with people. If you deviated as a child, you were made to feel guilty or bad. This will increase the affection and add passion. Sagittarians are the hunters of the zodiac, so when Venus joins the Sun in this sign much attention is given to the emotional chase. Someone with this combination could be intuitive yet practical, as well as very nurturing to their loved ones on multiple levels. Sun and Venus Combinations - Lindaland - Linda Goodman They go through highs and lows but are pretty good at keeping themselves together or at least appear as though they are. They arent into dating for a fling. Pisces woman dating an aquarius man - Find me man So, you have the chance to be keen on your future. As Venus rules Libra, there will be a powerful element of Virgo present. On February 25 at 5:11 a.m. Pacific Time, Venusthe planet of romance, glamour, finances, art, and pleasurefinishes her transit through rebellious and detached Aquarius to enter the mutable, water sign of Pisces. In matters of love and romance, the Pisces sun Capricorn moon person is most compatible with water signs and earth signs. When Venus enters Capricorn, fleeting lust burns off and leaves behind a strong sense of stability, focus, and dedication. A Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon woman is like a tropical fish in an arctic sea. How To Attract A Man Based On His Venus Sign | YourTango Trying to attract a Venus in Capricorn lover is like applying for a job a large corporation. Venus rules Libra, so there will be some Leonine traits, and the influence of Venus will be strong. While the Venus in Pisces woman loves to be swept off her feet, there is also a side of her that can be drawn to people or animals who seem to need help. Sun in Pisces may attempt to touch Capricorns guarded heart with romantic gestures, but hell be hurt by her coldness, and eventually withdraw. Once they see it, they can build it. Reluctance to part with money is a common characteristic. But thats just because they dont get worked up over grand gestures or opportunities for adventure. Venus in Capricorn is a placement that lends itself well to . You will want to work hard for every penny earned, but will not be averse to enjoying the pleasures that extra money can bring. Professional financial help is advisable. Here are people who will get what they want, but may not consider a partner's feelings carefully or sympathetically. Well, in his own way, one that she will hopefully understand. Her partner can rest assured that Moon in Capricorn will treat her relationship with the utmost respect, although he may find her to be defensive or cold on occasion. Who Is Venus in Aquarius Compatible With? Business - and moneymaking abilities are excellent. The power of Venus will help to quell Sagittarian restlessness and encourage a philosophical outlook. Venus represents love, creativity, allure, relationships, money, and finance. Professionally, he's a monster, and personally, he takes care of himself as best as possible. Business potential is superb, with Cancerian shrewdness adding to Venusian flair. This individual will have dynamic and magnetic powers of attraction, but may be very difficult to know really well. . There will be powerful emotional relationships, but sometimes conflict can arise when the subject has to decide whether to deepen one of these through cohabitation, and there may be a delay in making an emotional commitment. Venus in Taurus works to live rather than living to work as Venus in Capricorn does. All the traits described for Venus in Aquarius apply. Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. It is, however, hard for them to tell the difference between a worthy cause and someone who cannot be helped. If youve got grand plans, you would better share them with him, as this will probably get him very interested in you. Here, the fiery Arian passion is quenched by the cool detachment of Venus, but the Arian need for independence will be complementary. He doesnt like overly emotional women, talkative ones, ignorant and superficial ones, and unpredictability is most of the times undesirable. Venus in Taurus also contains Venus in Pisces, but the Venus in Taurus approach has more to do with relaxing than ambition. The Moon in the Signs - Love and Sexual Astrology Pisces gentle faith can dissolve some of Capricorns mistrust, and Capricorn can teach Pisces a thing or two about boundaries. Your mystique intrigues others and you can be intense and sexually arousing to others, yet you don't flaunt this energy. Treat them to a fancy evening at their favorite places, and they will adore you forever. However, there is increased fidelity once the subject is committed emotionally. Venus In Pisces Man - His Traits In Love and Relationships Sun in Pisces / Venus in Capricorn. He is often attracted to strong, independent women who can challenge them intellectually. This placing bolsters the self-confidence of the rather shy Virgoan. At its best, this placing makes for an energetic friend and thoughtful partner. You may get lucky, or you may never even get noticed. r/astrologymemes . Venus in the Signs | Cafe Astrology .com Venus in Pisces Man - Astrology They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men. You will achieve what you propose, especially with sustained effort. Shared interests and work projects are particularly stimulating. Generosity and financial flair will be present. While an earth or water sign person might be happy with a financial job that involves managing conservative investments for retired people, a fire or air sign person might get curious about the riskier side of the financial industry like options trading. When choosing a partner intellectual rapport and friendship are essential, as is mental stimulus. They are an excellent friend and good company, with an infectious enjoyment of life. Ruthlessness in all areas of life must be countered. Venus has the most significant effect on Capricorns relationships, romantic and friendly. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. Money will be spent with some degree of caution. Venus in Capricorn likes to be successful, promoted, and financially comfortable. Hes interested in serious and responsible women who know what they want from their lives. Friends must share demanding interests. When Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, comes into conjunction with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, there can be a strong attraction that borders on obsession. Money is often made from sidelines as well as a main source, and investment will be enjoyed. Pisces is often overwhelmed by emotions and searches for a way out through creative means such as poetry, substance use, metaphysics, or dance. Piscean emotion is controlled here, and there is also a good ability to distance the self from the feelings, with the individual relying on intuition. Additionally, the Venus in Capricorn astrology guides you on what to gain shortly. Venus is in rx. Climbing the corporate ladder is the most important thing to them. Here the qualities are very much as for Venus in Cancer. All of this creates a strong image of respect and dignity for the Venus in Capricorn. However, Venus in Pisces and Venus in Leo share a sense of romanticism. Financial risks will be taken, with mixed results. It is important to look at Venus signs in assessing relationship compatibility with astrology, because Venus rules your values and your approach to love. Once a pisces woman and . They are ready to take things to the next level, for they have been preparing for that moment since they were old enough to do so. Pisces 2023: Saturn in Pisces. Pluto in Aquarius. Pisces Germany