He was also seen with a pair of high heels. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Sanji remarked on how confusing it is coming from them. They managed to escape to the passageway to Building B before the gate sealed completely. After reuniting with the ship, Sanji and everyone else were startled to hear an undersea volcano beginning to erupt. Luffy withstood the attack and remained on his feet. Bege reluctantly agreed, acknowledging that Sanji was the one person he could not kill. Sanji and Luffy were cornered, but they were saved by the arrival of Germa 66. Walking down the stairs, Zoro quickly scanned the empty, dark room and headed towards the fridge. Zoro questioned why Sanji was acting strangely, and Sanji uncomfortably pointed out that his body has felt off since he first used his Raid Suit. After arriving at the castle, the Vinsmoke Family, Pudding, and Big Mom had a meal together. Sanji started staring perversely at her, causing Perona to wonder if he was sick. Camie introduced them to some of her friends, the Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets. [223] As thanks for helping Luffy, the crew agreed to take Caribou with them and drop him off at the first island[224] but forced him to travel in a barrel. After all the leaders of the New Fish-Man Pirates were defeated, the Straw Hats looked into the sky as Luffy tried to destroy Noah. To fight the Kraken out in the sea, Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy use Flutter Kick Coating. Tesoro managed to capture Zoro and gave the Straw Hats until 12:00 the next night to repay their debt, or else he would kill Zoro. Hatchan was about to reveal Hody's plan, but a visual Den Den Mushi appeared. [65] While escorting Violet, Sanji took out a sniper targeting them. To help the G-5 Marines escape Shinokuni, Sanji kicked them to a safe distance as the group fled to the Biscuits Room. When Sanji refused, Kuni kicked Sanji's soba pot onto the ground, ruining its contents. To make matters worse, Marco had also reached his limit, and the two All-Stars had previously began searching for Zoro. Sanji then proclaimed that he would rather die while giving perverted looks at mermaids than live a long life and not having his dream come true, much to Chopper and Usopp's shock. To Sanji's shock, she proceeded to tell him that they should act as if they knew nothing, and allow the assassination of their family (whom she referred to collectively as "murderers") to go ahead during the Tea Party. [139] Sanji eventually completed his secret ingredient, the Simsim Cream, which caused a chef to faint from the sweetness when he tried it. Zoro then reminded Luffy of how he had left Ace to do his own thing until his life was in clear danger, and suggested that they do the same for Vivi, which drew ire from Sanji, Luffy, Nami, and Chopper. In Pudding's room, Pudding apologized to Sanji for not bringing him to Luffy as she originally planned. Momonosuke then rubbed his advantage with Nami and Robin in their faces, by pressing his face into Nami's chest and glaring at them with a malicious smile, much to their dismay. Later, while flying through the air on the Sunny, he commented that the crew should not force Jinbe into a corner about joining if he has personal business to take care of. Sanji's neck has gotten thicker as well, similar to Luffy and Zoro. During his battle with Queen, when his dormant genetic modifications awakened, Sanji's eyebrows switched to curling in the same direction as his siblings' (i.e. After the Trump Pirates stole the Going Merry with his clothes inside, he had to wear a white tuxedo with a red rose on the flap from a wedding store. Sanji and Zoro were later taken outside and chained to a rock formation along with the other captured Straw Hats in order to lure Luffy to Komei. The trio collected all the treasure and as they headed back to the palace, they arrived at the Candy Factory and met Big Mom's messengers: Pekoms and Tamago. 1,032,000,000[5]330,000,000[19]177,000,000 (Only Alive)[20]77,000,000[12] He also wore white pants, brown boots, and a yellow bandana. Days later, the crew went to Tokage Port in preparation to depart from the country. The Straw Hats were sailing when they suddenly encountered Myskina Olga and her steed Elizabeth and brought them onboard. The Marines cheered for him, but Sanji knew that he would not be able to continue fighting for long with his injured leg. Camie stole the royal gondola and transports the Straw Hats to the town port, where most humans on the island should be. The Pirate Ganzack, Germa 66's Ahh An Emotionless Excursion. He asked Nami how far it was until Fish-Man Island and had yet another nosebleed after looking at her. Luffy rushed off to protect Okobore Town and Law chased after him and told the rest to remain unseen. [195] However, she still continued to attack him until he called Robin, which he eventually did, giving her his location and begging for help. On the way, they met Rayleigh. [153], After escaping from Totto Land, Sanji learned about Pedro's self sacrifice and expressed some regrets. Sanji, suspecting it was Zoro, showed the old man Zoro's wanted poster (covering up "wanted" and his bounty value) and asked if that was the man. Luffy responded by punching Sanji and demanded him to tell the truth. Before they left, Sanji picks up the samurai's head and decided to take responsibility for its safety. [228] After reading that Sabo had assassinated Cobra and Vivi had disappeared, Sanji worried about Vivi's feelings and whereabouts. The Neptune Brothers appeared searching for the people who entered Fish-Man Island illegally. The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, One Piece - Defeat Him! Queen, however, was once again able to surprise Sanji by having effectively copied Sanji's Raid Suit ability to turn invisible, with Sanji doing the same, due to his enhanced speed, leaving Queen astonished at Sanji's speed. [201] As they fought, Sanji commented that Franky would be interested in Queen's technology of firing continuous lasers'. [229] At the same time, the Mecha-Shark attacked the ship and ended up capsizing it. After Sanji blocked Queen's attempted strike on Zoro with Diable Jambe, Queen began to express his interest in the technology of Germa 66, specifically Jugde's modifications of his children and their unique abilities. [86], On the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hats were having a barbecue. Sanji sat in sullen silence in the back of the carriage between Niji and Yonji. Since Chopper had no blood of Sanji's type left (due to the previous events and its exceeding rarity), Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper began to beg for a blood donation to save Sanji, who was experiencing a critical bloodloss. Sanji tried to pursue Kanjuro but stopped when the latter conjured an ink cloud that rained down ink arrows. Later, when Noah arrived and almost burst the island's bubble tracking Shirashoshi, Sanji went up into the air to follow it. As the Sun Pirates held back the Big Mom Pirates, Jinbe decided to stay behind to help them and Luffy consented to his decision. [30] Their opponents tried to fire poison gas, but Sanji knocked off all their gas masks and destroyed their air tanks, preventing them from doing so. He then caught the dragon, allowing the group to finally ride it. [114], Sanji still refused to leave the island due to his concern for the Baratie chefs and the Straw Hats. In the Movie 2, he initially appears he appears with a blue two-tone swimsuit. As they approached the gigantic 'underwater waterfall', Sanji regained consciousness. Luffy then told his crew about his oath to Sabo and Ace, as well as about his dream once he becomes the Pirate King, which amused Sanji. Diable Jambe Sub-Techniques . He declared that he wanted to love all the ladies in the world, prompting Black Maria to try to discipline him. [124] After they landed, however, Pudding furiously began attempting to shoot Sanji, who dodged every shot she fired. Confused by this accusation, Sanji got lost in thoughts, fearing he finally had become just the same as his brothers. Sanji then decided to fight the Tobiroppo and initiated a confrontation by attacking him. [115] As he looked at the bento box he made for Pudding, he remembered that he made his crewmates' favorite foods and tried to forget them. Sanji explained his intent to compete with Kin'emon for Kiku's affection, but Kin'emon pointed out that he was already married to another woman, making Sanji envious. Sanji also wondered how Nami had grown during these two years while having a nose bleed. [99], On the day before the wedding, Sanji trembled as he watched his two older brothers return to the Germa Kingdom. [147] With a few minutes before the promised rendezvous time, Sanji contacted the group on the Sunny and told them not to get too close to the fleet waiting at the coast and that he would grab Luffy and return to the ship. [192] He separated from Luffy and Jinbe to rescue a woman, but he fell into a trap and was captured by Black Maria and her subordinates. Sanji dashed off to help her, but Zoro saved her first. After finishing the second wedding cake, Sanji disguised himself as one of the WCI 31 chefs by wearing a chef hat and a rag. Pudding expressed concern for Luffy, but Sanji was confident that Luffy would prevail. The four Straw Hats then hid when a royal gondola arrived in the mermaid cove. The group then watched Hody's speech to Fish-Man Island. [148], Upon seeing Luffy after Pekoms exited the Mirro-World with him and a captured Brle, Sanji reported to the group on the Thousand Sunny. Annoyed, Sanji returned to his private quarters, but Vito followed him in. [5] Despite renouncing his surname Vinsmoke,[22] the World Government labels it as part of his name on his wanted poster. Both Zoro and Sanji then say that when they conquer this battle it will give them a glimpse of Luffy as the Pirate King. Also momentarily, he wears an extravagant panda costume designed by Usopp. [29], While their pursuers came after them, the children begged the pirates to help them escape. Just as he says this, Zoro, who has recovered, strikes King with Three Sword Style: Rengoku Oni Giri while Sanji strikes Queen with Diable: Mouton Shot. Eventually meeting up with Nami, Usopp, and Brownbeard, the two groups turned their attention to Caesar's lab where Zoro and Kin'emon were able to cut down the iron shutter, allowing them to enter. Sanji, also known by his birth name Vinsmoke Sanji, is the crew of Straw Hat Pirates in the manga One Piece. Using his raid suit, Sanji carried Nami, Robin, and Shinobu and flew away from the bathhouse. They then watched as the Pure Gold was assimilated into Bonbori's lamp, and the next morning, they dropped Olga and Acier off on an island. During the exchange of vows, Sanji lifted Pudding's veil to perform the kiss of oath. Thanks to the suit, Sanji was mostly unfazed by the attack. Niji grabbed Sanji before he was caught in the explosion and while holding onto Sanji and Luffy, Niji traveled at a high speed and took down several pirates with his sword. Bege promised Sanji that he would not tamper with the cake before feeding it to Big Mom. Sanji once again decided to give in and go along with the wedding before Bobbin bumped into him. His eyebrows curl in the opposite direction from his siblings, whose eyebrows curl in a counterclockwise direction (i.e. After Hody finished, Sanji stated that the New Fish-Man Pirates were trying to pick a fight and Luffy resolved to fight Hody. Luffy rejected Hammond and the fish-man prepared to attack. )[12] However, they opened the door to find themselves in the middle of an entertainment venue, as part of a trap designed by Gild Tesoro and Carina. The rest of his family put on their raid suits and attacked the Charlotte children who were restraining Nami, Chopper, and Carrot. Fortunately, Zoro destroyed the trap before falling into unconsciousness. Sanji then told Jinbe that they could not ignore the New Fish-Man Pirates and the Straw Hats also had a reason to fight. [186] Thanks to his raid suit, Sanji managed to withstand King's attack. Alive Chopper scolded Sanji, telling him that her beauty would instantly kill him. After telling Zoro he was confident they would win, to which Zoro agreed, he was then tasking Zoro to kill him should he really lose his humanity after the raid, to which Zoro, although confused, agreed. 1 Wano Country. The mermaids denied that they had seen any intruders. After giving the group new clothes, he introduced them to Shinobu and Sanji was depressed with her unattractive appearance. [38] While searching for the torso, Sanji noticed that the slime's toxins were quickly spreading throughout the lake. Sanji then asked Hatchan if Hody was the one who gave Hatchan his wounds, which he did not confirm or deny. In Dressrosa, he was protecting and saving his crew and Viola. Franky activated Coup de Burst and the ship flew through the bubble surrounding Fish-Man Island. [121], Later in the bride and groom's waiting room, Sanji sat next to Pudding and despite being aware of her deceptions, he struggled to contain his natural responses to her beauty. However, the mushrooms caused the three of them to become lethargic, and they were captured along with Porche and Hamburg as the Foxy Pirate Komei revealed that this was part of his plan to take down the Straw Hats. After asking Law about Luffy's situation at Udon, Sanji began thinking about going to a bathhouse. He said his goodbyes to the mermaids and stated they are the "All Blue" of his dream. But other people say his character hasn't really changed, or has even gotten better (expanded backstory and all). However, during the battle, Olga's ring fell into the ocean. Origin: Sanji then grew angry when Hiyori revealed that she had personally bathed Zoro while he was asleep. Sanji was initially shaken from his own actions, but he quickly grabbed the bento box and ran as guards were coming to his location. The Building A gate then opened, letting the gas flow into the passageway. [194], Although Sanji was able to fend off Black Maria's male subordinates, his refusal to hit her or her female subordinates allowed Black Maria to trap him once again. They then met up with Zoro, Luffy, Robin, Usopp, and Brook, all the while Sanji fondled Nami's body by groping her, much to her frustration. He then explained to her how his family treated him and the reason he left them in the first place as well as how they were blackmailing him into going through with the marriage. Carrot received the newspaper and the group read it. After thanking him, he seemingly turned invisible, berating Queen for his comments on him being a Germa soldier and then hit Queen with Hell Memories. [166] In order to keep his identity hidden, Sanji donned his raid suit, and when Page One attempted to attack him, Sanji turned invisible and kicked Page One in the stomach. He also wears his orange glasses during the plot. During the Egghead Arc, Sanji wears a hooded Hawaiian shirt, a pair of shorts with the name Vegapunk written on the side, an earpiece, and a pair of DOM Shoes. Niji attempted to kick Sanji, but Judge quickly stopped him. The Monster Trio defeated the Kraken, but because they were not wearing life-lines, they got separated from the other Straw Hats as the ship went down the "underwater waterfall". S (RH-)[18] As they prepared to leave, Sanji stated how wonderful it was to see the Mermaid Princess and wished to stay another year on the island, only to be insulted by Zoro and the two bickered like usual. Before they could escape into the mirror, Big Mom's scream shattered it, leaving the alliance trapped in the venue. Niji then angrily called the head chef and threw his plate at her. He hoped to find his cocktail there and maybe some leftovers from dinner. Yonji appeared and offered Sanji to take him to their brother. When Queen caught up to him, he did not notice him, instead recalling the moment he came across the geisha when the next thing he knew was seeing the fear in her eyes and her laying bleeding on the ground. The Thousand Sunny later approached Dressrosa. As they worked to repair the Sunny, they later reunited with Luffy, who was traveling with Olga's father Myskina Acier. Status: After Franky assured Sanji that Nami will be fine with Brook and Chopper with her, Sanji saw a video broadcast from the Corrida Colosseum, which showed Luffy (as Lucy) participating in the tournament.
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