Chuffed is used more or less all over the UK, it seems to be decreasing in popularity, but is still in relatively common usage. Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Cheeky 5. I will not be going out today; it is a pea-souper out there. British Accents: Tips on Understanding Brits! When someone in England, especially in London, takes the subway train to go somewhere, they usually use this expression. ), For example, it can be used respectively, in, Can you take the rubbish out please?, and What? You never know when it starts to rain in England. on Sep 15 2011. Spend more than five minutes around any British woman over the age of 40, and you are very likely to hear the word "lovely." Blinding is a positive term meaning excellent, great, or superb. Fag This slang word for a cigarette has no pejorative associations in the UK, but causes all sorts of problems for Brits visiting the US. Slang Words | List of Slang Word Examples & Meanings | YourDictionary For ex: Wheres my share of the filthy lucre then? With FluentU, for example, you can create a personalized flashcard deck based on the words that pop up in the programs English media clips, like movie trailers and interviews. What does git mean in Florida slang? - any expensive, flashy, or shiny jewelry, usually gold or silver, esp. To bodge something is to make a mistake or do something badly. Someone can be completely bonkers or can go bonkers (the latter can also mean losing your temper). UK English Slang: 18 Essential Slang Words for English Learners "That looks like a total mess". Calling someone a tosser to their face wont normally go down well. A London street insult which seemingly is derived from the idea of someone who is wasting their lives or is a waste of space. Often referred to as "The Gaffer". Gutted 11. For example, His girlfriend broke up with him. Bog ( slang) - This is a slang term for a toilet, and has spun off several related terms, such as bog brush (toilet brush) and bog roll (toilet paper). But there is something wonderfully tender and endearing about it. (Download). Cheers. A thing, person or even a situation, this is a great multi-purpose word. ; and it can also be used as a pejorative He just seems dodgy to me.. Cock up a British slang term that is far from the lewdness its name suggests. bracelets, chains, earrings. I think he bodged the presentation while editing it. You get a bollocking when youve done something you shouldnt have. Bollocks; and, of course, it also refers to the scrotum and testicles. I had three pieces., This is a relatively newer entry to the lexicon of British Slang, most often used by youth. It is used as a derogatory word for tourists. It has a similar meaning to making a mess of something. However, here are a few examples: Safe, sorted, sound, cool or wicked all mean That's good or I understand. This is an adjective that is used when something is seen as good or agreeable. A Very Funny and Quick Guide to London Slang - Culture Trip See also, Another London term, for someone or something that is attractive or desirable. Used as an adjective, to mean funny or just fun. A nifty little British term that means rubbish or crap. You might get a bollocking. Lets go into town tonight mate, itll be jokes. Testicles. Also fashionable among girls and women in the 1970s. A pea-souper is a thick fog that looks gray or green, like vegetable soup. Can be a noun (fancy a snog?) or a verb (did you snog him?). It is believed these terms were imported from India by returning servicemen. Get an instant price to have your English document edited by professionals. A Scottish classic which is also popular in Northern Ireland. Batty-fang Low. Where It Gets Twisted: American And British Slang Words 2. Take the Tube 4. Cockney rhyming slang: pork pies = lies. Mostly heard in London, this means "men". Bob's your uncle 5. For example, My wife gave me a real bollocking for getting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.. Privacy Policy. Did you know that the UK has around 40 different dialects of English, each with their own accents and slang? . Foreign-exchange students. fancy. Used in the north of England to mean "thirsty". A do is essentially a party, to my knowledge it doesnt refer to a particular form of party, so feel free to use it as you like. For example, The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.. Bowler - used to refer to the type of hat worn by Chaplin or John Steed.Cagoule - never heard of this but, unless it looks like a blanket with a slit in the center, it's probably not the equivalent of a poncho. on Jan 18 2000. This is cheating, it is almost exclusively used in the English county Devonshire, but Im including it as its fun to say. More of an usual term, a damp squib in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts, coming from the squib (an explosive), and the propensity for them to fail when wet. Acting the maggot Bad dose Bags (to make a bags of something) Bang on Banjaxed Black stuff Boyo Brutal Bucketing down Bunk off Chancer Chiseler Ciotg Cod/codding ya Craic Crack on Culchie Cute hoor Delira and excira Deadly Donkey's years Dosser Eat the head off Eejit Earwigging Effin' and blindin' 64 Great English Slang Words + Funny British Insults American Slang: 321 Fun Examples | Texas, New York Slang & More - Berlitz Did you see that bloke? A toilet. If a British person tells you theyre off to spend a penny and then they promptly disappear, its because theyre actually going to the toilet. "THAT LOOKS LIKE A DOG'S DINNER". In anger you might say, oh bloody hell!, Or to use it as emphasis, thats bloody cool!. The family welcomed a "pigeon pair." Elderly birdwatchers, who often stay with families in the country. What a great way to start the list. on Mar 03 2002. From New York, to California, Louisiana to Hawaii (and so much more! "Hold out yer donny bab", meaning "Hold out your hand, small child". We want to make sure youre leaving a professional image of yourself. A little bit coldas if the cold air was nipping at your skin. One of the most productive terms of the war was strafe. Anna is the Editor-in-Chief & Content Strategist of Lifehack. Blimey 19. A parka is a cold-weather jacket that zips in the front.Jumper: A type of girls' or women's dress that pulls down over the head.Knickers: (Short for "knickerbockers') Short pants that end just below the knee (fastened with elastic or buttons), usually worn with long socks. This quiz will be the center of your attention when you discover all the different British slang. Looking to create a blog? In context, Get the food, put in the microwave, heat it up, then bobs your uncle, ready to eat.. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters. Hes made a complete pigs ear of that project. Usually used in conjunction with mate. Normally used together with "a bit". 2. on May 01 2014. A person can be dodgy but so can an object: I think I ate a dodgy curry. Unlike most rhyming slang expressions, it is still in semi-popular use both in London and outside. 30+ Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases | Grand European Travel A more obscure British term, brass monkeys is used to refer to extremely cold weather. For example, Thats a load of tosh about what happened last night, or Dont talk tosh.. Social slang. This is the British university slang word for a library. For example. A crude term for urinating. Since the subway is totally underground in London, it looks like a network of tubes. The British population most definitely has an island mentality and this was never more apparent than when the euro was introduced on January 1st 1999. Tasteless, cheap-looking. Like grand, quid only ever appears in the singular. The origins of this French slang expression are a mystery. So, the word gobsmacked literally means to be hit in the mouth. Mostly heard in Manchester to mean "great". Students mostly refer to their university and/or college by just saying uni. Have you ever overheard some rather strange terms for money? Think twice before you ask someone if they know a good place to get some food A slang term for the national sportfootball. Oh, the Brits. In British English, the phrase is used to describe the feeling of having had a few too many lagers down the pub, and the resulting struggle to walk in a straight line. Though, to make things slightly more confusing, that could also be called a "tenner". Those curtains are a bit naff, dont you think?. It should be easyBritain exported the English language, after allbut there are so many regional quirks that never made it beyond the borders that things can get quite tricky for the non-locals. meaning fancy, stunning or anything that looks extraordinarily good. Nevertheless, it has a wide range of uses and applicable contexts. A possible result of a knees-up. Pissed: drunk. In British slang, "bloody" is a bit like the word "very," which adds stress or importance to the word that comes after it. Used when you are talking to a close friend, and is often easily substituted for the American buddy, pal, or dude. Therefore one quid, five quid, fifty quid. Oh, wanker. Click here to get a copy. 3. We use the symbol G when we want to write thousands in shorthand. Submitted by Rob H. from Newton, MA, USA Submitted by Danny Dees Used as a verb to show desire for something or someone. The Wix website builder offers a complete solution from enterprise-grade infrastructure and business features to advanced SEO and marketing toolsenabling anyone to create and grow online. It also has a speaking feature so you can test your pronunciation. So, the English phrase just popping out usually refers to leaving a place or a room with the intention of quickly returning. When in doubt, refer to this list so you can carry on conversations with ease, even with the locals. Can also mean to pass something with flying colors. Alright? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. While most British people think food is something you eat, its also street slang for drugs. Possibly caused by telling someone to shut their gob. Do not over-egg your pudding by using too many big words in your essay. In this post, we will teach you some common British expressions you can use in casual conversation! Definition of lush - Online Slang Dictionary But like most things cockney, its becoming less popular. A multi-purpose word which can be used as a toast, to thank someone or even say goodbye. A cock up is a mistake, a failure of large or epic proportions. As well as quid, we have a whole series of words that we use to refer to money, such as: Dosh is uncountable, so you cant have doshes! You know, one problem we terminal Anglophiles have is that we mostly know these terms because we're freaks of Nature who glom onto any tidbit of British culture, language, television, literature, etc, that we possibly can. Boffin - A scientist, inventor or engineer. Answer (1 of 44): This word was often used in my childhood in Birmingham by adults when they were giving you a sweet or pocket money. British Slang & Colloquialisms - Travel Guide To Britain As in I accidentally nicked this pen from work. Another way it can be used is as a term for being arrested. These extremely informal words and expressions are known as 'slang'. Bloody. Ledge 10. Mostly heard in London, this means "ladies". However it can be used to describe anything flashy or needlessly classy or expensive. Mental!) Her Majesty's Pleasure - HMP, which is Her Majesty's Prison. For example; you might say Blimey! Shortened form of luscious. There were bare man at the rave. A pejorative term for someone from the upper classes of British society. This classic British insult literally means that someone masturbates, but is used much like pillock and tosser. Writers who can turn any piece of writing into a dream read!Show me their credentials! One of the definitions of the word pop is to move quickly or suddenly. I'm just going for a quick slash. Taking the piss out of your friends can be done as part of banter. Perhaps one of the most internationally famous British slang terms, 'bollocks' has a multitude of uses, although its top ones including being a curse word used to indicate dismay, e.g. The British equivalent to the American parking lot or parking garage. So, if your bill comes to 10, that may well be referred to as "ten quid". For example, You need to wear a coat today, its brass monkeys outside.. Taking the Mickey. Hes making loads of moolah. Bum 8. Cor blimey, its bloody hot today, innit!. The expression is a synonym for lies. Money. I was gobsmacked when I found out that I lost my job. An exclamation of surprise. Last edited on Dec 10 2000. One pound is subdivided into 100 pence, the singular of which is one penny. 45 Essential British Slang Words for English Learners on Apr 07 1998. British people like to enjoy themselves. In the earlier 20th century, the word "bit" was slang for a coin, and the word "bob" was slang for a shilling. Usage: "Air force Ones are the cadillacs of feet whips". Example in written form: In my new job Ill be earning 75K a year. Top UK English Slang Terms 1. Why Do Americans Pronounce It "Aluminum"? Im pretty chuffed with my results on that exam. You can find out more about rhyming Cockney slang by checking out this video by YouTuber iswearenglish: It means that something is unpleasant. For example, Yeah, everythings hunky-dory at the office..