Gehrig was elected to the Hall of Fame that December. However, what made this speech memorable and powerful. Rather, the Farewell Address is a Presidential tradition, started by George Washington, that every president takes part in before leaving office. Also throughout the speech Gehrig did not seek sympathy from his situation; in fact, he did not once mention his disease specifically and rather focused on the positive moments that he had experienced throughout his life. Using the graph provided, what is the global maximum of the function? His profound use of rhetorical appeal made this speech a homerun. I'm not a headline guy. He said, The credibility, or ethos, of Gehrig's speech was already there before he ever started the speech. One can almost consider it ironic that Lou contracted this disease. Thinking about his country before himself a quality he exhibited every day in his life. : an American History, Respiratory Completed Shadow Health Tina Jones, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. In 2014, ALS was brought to major attention by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Rhetorical Analysis Essay-Lou Gehrig Luckiest Man Speech, A Look to the Future: Civic Issues on Natural Gas, Hydraulic Fracturing, The Truth of a Disputed Topic, Civic Issues: Aging Pipelines Pose Danger, Natural Gas: Gas Lands Presents the Evils of Fracking. The Iron Horse as he was known, was forced to retire at a young age due to a life threatening disease called ALS and often known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Baseball is considered Americas pastime, and because of this, the abruptness of the announcement was multiplied far more than if it had been an actor or politician that had contracted the disease. His social impact was seen the most at the end of his career when he delivered a speech, changing the lives of everyone at the ballpark that day. Trends in Neurosciences 25. Throughout the speech, he conveys his emotions and the ones his fans are portraying towards him. Web. Introduction a. Hook: Quote from ESPN article about Gehrig speech: ESPN staff writer Steve Wulf shares the background of Yankee great Lou Gehrig's funeral, where "his Episcopal priest said there would be no eulogy: 'We need none because we all knew him'" (Wulf). The speech wasn't just for Yankees fans, but for all fans of baseball. In June 1939, Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS which is when the condition started becoming known as Lou Gehrig's disease. 24 May 2012. Expert Help. He says, For the past two years it has been progressively, getting worse. The Chief of Police warned Kennedy that he would not be responsible for whatever may happen, making this speech even more dangerous. logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. In the first lines of the speech Gehrig grabs the audience's attention with emotional appeal by saying Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I. Some people are great athletes; others are great humanitarians, but Roberto Clemente combined both characteristics in one, dynamic package. These scientists also believe that people that have been hit in the head and received concussions from such blows are also at a higher risk for the disease (Abel). Gehrig, Tyagi, Satyanand, Sachin Kumar, and Mohit Singla. Even though I am not a Yankees fan, I still think that this would be a great speech to discuss and analyze. Lou Gehrigs farewell to baseball speech was about much more than just baseball. Gehrig's farewell speech included rhetorical stratigies. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. What exactly do critics have to say about about his words and his message to his direct audience and the numerous people who have heard the speech since its delivery? Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. This shows that he is thankful for his parents for investing in his life and making him became s famous legend in baseball history. He went further into stating that no one can judge effort nor see it displayed on film because everyday people have to bring it. Lou Gehrig Speech Analysis 332 Words2 Pages The speaker that I have chosen for my G.A.S review would be Lou Gehrig's farewell address for the baseball committee. During Luckiest Man, he is addressing why he is retiring from his beloved sport of, He was catching the attention of his fans and letting them know this speech was being given for them, since they helped him reach this point in his career through their unending support. Nonetheless, I think youll do a great job! In one of the greatest sentences in sports history, Lou remarks, So I close in saying that I may have had a bad break, but I have an awful lot to live for. (2017, Feb 01). Martin Luther King Jr., a minister and social activist, led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968. This rhetorical moment was not the first of its kind. All he could think about was his beloved momma (Bryson 778). Web. Also, the many people he impacted and helped them get away from racial violence. rest of the Oriole team were put up for sale. Name __Mathias Schaffhausen_____ Period 6th_____ Directions: Use Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech to complete the rhetorical analysis charts below. ELA Standard in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. Marx, Jean. Randy Pausch uses Pathos to get his point across to his audience. gratitude. What is the range of the function f(x)=6x-2 over the interval of 3