Indeed, Marvin reinforced that whimsical notion. The inevitable decision loomed. Once we entered my office, she did not inspect her surroundings but immediately sat down. Yet I had little difficulty accepting those patients, attempting to understand them, and finding ways to be supportive. Thelma leaned over, opened her purse and pulled out a newspaper clipping about murder. Why did you decide to call me?, It was the third letter. Several months later, his paper (with no mention of Dr. K. and no citation of their collaborative work) appeared as the lead article of an outstanding neurobiology journal. We had only just begun our first session, and there was much more I wanted to know before I would feel ready to examine Marvins chart. I think of your aunt reminding you so often that you were lucky she agreed to take care of you rather than let you go into an orphanage.. Im strapped. In the end they come to fill out so completely the curve of his cheeks, to follow so exactly the line of his nose, they blend so harmoniously in the sound of his voice that these seem to be no more than a transparent envelope, so that each time we see the face or hear the voice it is our own ideas of him which we recognize and to which we listen. He had not been found out! Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy by Irvin D. Yalom. Remember when you were pushing me to go to Overeaters Anonymous? Hence, I was uncomfortable with accepting Maries protection of my professionalism. I suspect each of us would barely be able to recognize the hour from the others account. Yet the blade is not extinct. However grim these givens may seem, they contain the seeds of wisdom and redemption. Rather than relating to this integral self, her father, who abused her, had contributed to the development of a false, sexual self. I was pondering whether onions really do have a lot of sugar when I arrived at Sauls home. I work at it. Yet, if I revealed these things, Dave would feel betrayed and probably leave therapy. Probably there was some important oedipal competition going on between the two of us which was making communication more difficult. She came alive and was persuaded, once more, of her capacity for intimacy. On the contrary, two broken-winged birds coupled into one make for clumsy flight. Ill help you talk. The envelope was identical to the first. Why slit open and empty? I ached for her when she described the starving child within her howling, Feed me! It makes a lot of sense. I looked forward to seeing her and being with her. Where had they come from? A creep! The day before, he had received a phone call from a colleague asking him to review a grant application. I wasnt able to have children, Im afraid of people, Ive never worked outside the home, I have no talents or skills. She paused, wiped her eyes and said to Marvin, See, I can cry if I put my mind to it., She turned back to me. To compound the problem, I had just had a poignant but exhausting session with an elderly, distraught widow whose purse had recently been stolen. I actually regret buying this book because I put more money into this mans pockets. Penny had never finished school, and Chrissie was going to do it for both of them (and was also going to attend Stanford for both of them). I promised him that, even though he never asked it, and I kept that promiseuntil now. The ending of our relationship led Penny to discover one final layer of grief. Other patients cannot decide. She wanted me to be close to her, she wanted to come home with me, she wanted sexI was willing to give her everything in a state of perfect oneness and love. Plenty of other shrinks around. (Nothing like a question to get off the hot seat! And Matthew? Now, however, with this evidence of severe pathology in their relationship, I wondered whether couples therapy might also unleash demons. When we started I personally didnt feel comfortable with obese people, In unusually feisty terms, Betty interrupted me. I was doing correspondence that morning and passed her in the waiting room a couple of times as I conferred with my secretary. In the mail I saw that it had come . Here I shot Thelma the sharpest, nastiest look I could muster. At the time she had imagined granting an autopsy and holding a funeral for the body she had shed. Love's executioner, and other tales of psychotherapy. That was a hell of a thing for her to have gone through, and I felt for her, but it seemed to me that she had erred by trying to bootleg therapy for herself in the group. Against this dread, he lacked even the most common defenses: childless, he could not be comforted by the illusion of immortal germ cells; he had no sustaining religious beliefneither of a consciousness-preserving afterlife nor of an omnipresent, protective personal deity; nor did he have the satisfaction of knowing that he had realized himself in life. I'm told he's one of the greatest psychotherapists in all the land, but this book does nothing to illustrate that, as far as I can tell. But that conjecture aside, this much was certain: all of Sauls apocalyptic forebodings were disconfirmed; the tone of the letter was unmistakably accepting, even affectionate and respectful. Harry, unable to sleep that night, phoned Thelma back and grew alarmed at the continual busy signal. He remembered banging his fist on his desk, forcing himself to remember the chill of his mothers forehead when he kissed her as she lay in her casket. She really wasnt there for her. I felt bewildered by what had happened. Penny, you talk to Chrissie every day. To focus on what is actually happening between a patient and himself, rather than the past. Number three,. But I had no intention of being blackmailed in that fashion. Then I saw itan oversized, brown, formal envelope from the Stockholm Research Institute. Saul demurred, of course, raising many objections, predictable objections: he wasnt my only patient, I was much too busy, he was already feeling better, it was no emergency, he should be able to travel to my office soon. No, a therapist helps a patient not by sifting through the past but by being lovingly present with that person; by being trustworthy, interested; and by believing that their joint activity will ultimately be redemptive and healing. It seemed to me that she droned on interminably, went off into tangent after tangent, and, moreover, said everything to me as though for the first time. Her dental sessions in his office were humiliating: whenever his assistant left the room, he would make sexually suggestive comments and manage frequently to brush his hands across her breasts. No opening ceremonies that day. After finishing this book, I turned to another interest that had long been percolating under the surfacethe role of existential concerns in human life and human distress. But, to my regret, I never said those things to Saul. Id appear before the members of the institutetheyd be wigged and robed. This seemed to me to be a poor solution for Marie since she so feared and disliked her father that she had had little communication with him for years. I have always admired, perhaps more than many men, the womans body. But at the same time she became unaccountably more distressed and reported more sadness and more anxiety. She knew we were not equals. Im just not thinking clearly. To drive my point home, I attempted, in our final session, to use myself as an example. Lets try role-playing it. Then she began to realize that she had never considered what had happened in the family from her sons perspective. For the first time, she began asking me personal questions. Yes (review grant application, announcement of Dr. K's funeral, and an unfinished letter from Dr. K). For years, between customers in her taxicab, she had listened to self-improvement cassette tapes on vocabulary improvement, great books, and art appreciation. As always, I feel isolated hereprofessional colleagueship is scarce at the Stockholm Institute. She cried for the two lost daughters she never knew. He was obviously depressedwith good reasonand spoke bitterly and wearily of his ten-year ordeal with cancer. But when she was robbed, she felt as though she were starting all over again. After all, if death is some pursuing entity, then one may yet find a way to elude it; besides, frightening as a death-bearing monster may be, it is less frightening than the truththat one carries within the spores of ones own death. To combat my self-recriminations, I attempted to persuade myself that I had employed a proper therapeutic strategy: Thelma was in extremis when she consulted me and something had to be done. Its the only possible explanation!, Yes, thinking that, you have still protected him all these years. But that evening, for reasons Thelma, even now, cannot comprehend, she and Matthew slipped outside everyday reality. Maybe I was wrong, but I think her eyes said, Are you satisfied now? I did not comment on her gaze. I could not possibly treat her; I had no hours available to take on a new patient. I explicitly extracted a promise from him not to injure himself, not (without prior consultation with me) to write Dr. K., and not to repay the fellowship money to the Stockholm Institute. Matthew came to visit but stayed only fifteen minutes and his presence, Thelma said, was worse than his silence: he evaded any allusions she made to their twenty-seven days of love and insisted on remaining formal and professional. It seemed to me that an important lesson Betty could learn from an awareness of death was that life had to be lived now; it could not be indefinitely postponed. What are they like?, What do you think about in the depressions?, Nothing. No, that would not work. Youve fallen in love with your own creation.. The moment he shook Dr. K.s powerful hand, Saul had a vision, redemptive and beatific, of the two of them, he and Dr. K., working side by side as full collaborators. Im really glad youre my psychiatrist.. When I pressed her to say exactly what was on her mind, she said in a singsong childs voice, If I cant have a cookie, I wont do anything for you.. I was startled, when I looked into the face of that dancer, to meet Thelmas large eyes peering out at me across the decades. Later he spoke to the oldest living member of the Socit des Amis de Flaubert who told him the true story of the parrots. Thelma, how can you even consider that? No more jousting or crudity. In my many years of work with cancer patients facing imminent death, I have noted two particularly powerful and common methods of allaying fears about death, two beliefs, or delusions, that afford a sense of safety. Somewhere in there, maybe a subtitle (but it couldnt be, because I cant spell it) was the word evolution there was a strong feeling about the word. But if you had just answered my question the way I first put it, I would have gotten the answer to the question you just asked., You mean you would have learned my opinion about how psychiatry, in general, feels about the treatment of the average elderly patient, and then you would have assumed that that was the way I felt about treating you., But thats so roundabout. Her account of therapy was chilling. Love is not just a passion spark between two people; there is infinite difference between falling in love and standing in love. I was also aware, however, that she had expressed gratitude to me, and that felt good. First, we became acquainted with Japanese culture, as I taught for two weeks in Tokyo; then, two weeks of travel in China where my wife, a feminist scholar, lectured to university students and teachers. You know, it feels right. He hadnt anticipated this. The message:Marvin, for the first time, discovers his daughterthe feminine, softer, sensitive side of himself. Her love obsessionwhat else could one call it?was powerful and tenacious, having dominated eight years of her life. All this rich reality had been blotted out by my obsession. Id be out of his hair for good. Marvin took himself very seriously: he was practically my only patient with whom I could never joke or banter. The dream (recorded verbatim by a student observer):Death is all around me. I spent a lot of the last couple of weeks lost in daydreams. Thats the name of the game. Could it be that her thighs and buttocks are so inflated that her feet have to go farther to reach the floor? More than anything, I felt sorrow. She had underlined with red pencil a paragraph that claimed that suicides are, in actuality, double homicides. That seemed to help. Id like your permission to phone Matthew and invite him to join us. But, above all, we talked about her angerabout how it had driven away her family and her friends. When bonds are issued at a premium the debt declines each period. I hope to demonstrate, in these ten tales of psychotherapy, that it is possible to confront the truths of existence and harness their power in the service of personal change and growth. It would make a lot of sense if you were angryvery angry, indeedwith me. My task as a therapist (not unlike that of a parent) is to make myself obsoleteto help a patient become his or her own mother and father. Other hopeful dreams followed:I am at a wedding, and a woman comes up and says she is my long- forgotten daughter. After Harry left my office, I sat there tired and stunned and angry. I knew that Thelma would take the rest of the hour spinning obsessional webs. For a brief time I felt a wave of eerie nausea, as though I were peering through a rent in the fabric of reality, at something forbidden, at the raw ingredients, the clefts and seams, the embryonic cells and blastulas that are, in the natural order of things, not meant to be seen in the finished human creature. You saw it. The benefits might be great. Her pretentious bridge partner was Dame May Whitey (and Dame May Whitey was spry-minded compared with the rest, with all the Alzheimer zombies and burned-out drunks who, according to Elva, constituted the bridge-playing population of San Francisco). love's executioner two smiles summary. And I hate their clothesthe shapeless, baggy dresses or, worse, the stiff elephantine blue jeans. Marge began to treat me as an equal, she asked me questions, she flirted a bit. Im not proud of it, but Im having a lot of trouble leaving the house, let alone traveling halfway around the world. You say shes forgotten all traces of this life?, Its all gone. For a few minutes she sat on the floor at the opposite corner of my office and curled up like a Feiffer cartoon character. She told jokes. Chrissie had died, finally, of pneumonia: her heart and lungs had failed; she couldnt breathe and, in the end, drowned in her own fluids. Table of Contents. My predictions of what might happen have come true. I empathized with her and told her that I had heard many others in her situationincluding my wifecomplain of similar treatment. In Search of the Dreamer Afterword: On Rereading Lope's Executioner at Age Eighty So here goes. Moreover, eight years of Thelmas taped phone messages had to be getting to him, and I was confident that he, too, longed for release. whats the word? But I was as tenacious as he and refused to be dissuaded. Another asked about what it felt like to reveal the existence of the letters to the group. It was the flesh-and-blood Marvin who was irritating and uninteresting. And when Im impotent, it is not because I fail sexually as a man but because Im asking sex to do things that sex cant do., Exactly. Dave was talking about something important, he was moved, he had become real, and the other members responded in kind. That was Thelmas perfect cue. You saw that picture of mebe honest, tell the truth, was I not beautiful? She continued, without waiting for my response. These feelings never disappeared but during her best times merely receded to the background, awaiting a suitable cue to return. The moment had come to play my final card. Obviously something extraordinary had occurred. He came to every hour with a list of issues he wanted to discuss dreams, work problems (a successful financial analyst, he had continued to work throughout his illness). Im speaking to you now rather than to Thelma because Ive already told her this story, more than once. He turned to her. But now, after only six weeks, all the members and at least one of the co-therapists are thoroughly pissed at you. What sort of resolutions? No real need for my question, since Thelma had been on the verge of describing the resolutions, but I had to have some exchange with her.